2022 |
Statens Kunstfond - Work-stipendium |
Featured in WEANIMATE Magasin |
3 Animated AR-Beer Labels "Ølluminati" |
Animated Theater Scenographi "Skoene ved Floden" |
CD Cover "Hvorfor dit & hvorfor dat" |
"Artist of the year" at VAF Viborg Animation Featival |
In the Making of a AR-animated picture collection Working title “Women in Shape” |
Teaching ANIMATION at Holbæk Kunst Højskole Spring + Summer semester |
Selection Jury at OFF Odense International Short film festival |
Animation Startup at “2nd day & the End of the World” |
2021 |
Storyboard “2nd Day & the End of the World” new 12 minutes animated shortfilm |
“Dyr I Byr” Animated Pilot episode Children TV-serie |
Animated Title Sequence “VENUSEFFEKTEN” Featurefilm by Anna Emma Haudal |
Member of The OSCARS ACADEMY |
Exhibition at D-CAF Art & Performance Festival in Cairo Egypt |
Teaching Workshop in Animation at BGK Roskilde Ar School |
Outdoor AR-Exhibition in the center of Odense DK |
"Endangered Species" - AR Wall painting at Kulturmaskinen / Magasinet Odense DK |
Selection & Pitch me Baby Jury at OFF International Short Film Festival |
Teaching ANIMATION at Holbæk Kunst Højskole Summer + Spring semester |
2020 |
“I want to be like you” AR-Augmentet Reality piece |
Animated Title Sequence “Venuseffekten” in developing |
“The Little Book about…”/ "Den lille bog om" 25 illustration COBOLT |
Selection Jury & Pitch me Baby - Jury at OFF International Short Film Festival |
Pitch it! - Jury at CPH Short Film Festival |
“Soft Spot” AR-Winner at Petit Palais Museeum of Fine Arts in PARIS France |
“Snake-Elephant” + “Culturepus” + BookBlog Illustrations |
“2nd Day & the End of the World” Storyboard 10 minutes Animation Short |
“The garden of water lilies” An AR-Piece Exhibition at MetanoiaKBH |
BLUE Entertainment Techno “My Secret Childhood” Vinyl cover |
Teaching ANIMATION at Holbæk Kunst Højskole Summer semester |
Animated Vignet SUMMER JAZZ online Edition |
2019 |
“ANIMATED REALITY” AR-Exhibition at MetanoiaKBH |
Music Video “When you wish upon a star” – Marie Carmen Koppel |
“Embraces & the Touch of Skin” + AR Exhibition Premier at Gallery Specta |
Poster & Artwork for “Between two cultures” in Cairo Egypt |
Selection Jury & “Pitch me baby” Jury at OFF Odense International Short Film Festival |
Teaching ANIMATION at Holbæk Kunst Højskole Spring semester |
Animation “Pandoras Friends” 15 seconds VICE MEDIA NORDIC
Quest Speaker & Special program at Trollywood Animation Festival
Animation of Music Video “KALAHA Cok küstüm & Eymen” with Zven Balslev
Teacher in Erotic Animation at DIS Gender & Sexuality Studies Program
Teaching ANIMATION at Holbæk Kunst Højskole Summer semester
Jury + Special Programmer at Anim’Est Animation Festival Bucharest RU
DR-Dokumentar Animation/ConceptDesign/CharacterDesign
2018 |
PREMIER "1st Day & Next Minute" at KRÆ syndicate |
Animated Shortfilm “EMBRACES & The Touch of Skin” A new Animated Short |
Tusch painting “Oplyst mængde” 60X60 for curated exibition Galleri Specta Februar 2019 |
Lead Animation on “LULU” by Snobar Avani (coming out 2019) |
Animated Documentary 3 X 12 Animation scenes to Domumentary “Kvinder på flugt fra vold” by Jesper Quistgaard for Krisecenter Ringsted |
Animated Music Video “Ude af øje – ude af sind” JAMIE KAMARA Feat. Mollly Koppel |
Illustrator 7 Illustrations “Line Johansen- Kropsbehandling” |
Selection & “Pitch me baby” Jury At OFF - Odense International Short Film Festival |
Teaching in animation at Holbæk Kunst Højskole Spring + Summer semester |
Teaching in Erotic Animation at DIS Gender & Sexuality Studies Program |
Teaching in animation at Børne Universitetet |
Artist Residency in CAIRO 28th January – 7th February |
60 Seconds Experimental short – Urban shortfilm “NØGLEN LIGGER GEMT UDER…” |
2017 |
Animated Music Video to Mike Andersen “THIS TIME” Feat. Joss Stone |
Illustrations / Logo to Kølsters Bryggeri |
Animation sequence to “MERIAN” a Metamorphoses / A play by Ulla Koppel |
Animator at “THIRD EAR” web-series project by Claudia Stræde |
Animated Shortfilm "1st Day & Next Minute" by Sara Koppel, music by Sune "Køter" Kølster |
Illustration, Cardboardgame to DR “Søskende Spillet” |
Animation-LOOP “Me & oh my & Him” to TAFF / Finland |
Teaching in Animation 6 weeks at Holbæk Kunst Højskole |
Teaching in Erotic Animation at DIS Gender & Sexuality Studies Program |
Teaching in Animation for children at Børne Universitetet |
Illustration to “Yogic ABC” novel by Claus Ankersen |
Selection Jury At OFF - Odense International Short Film Festival |
Developing of "LULU" An Anmated short film by Snobar Kurd |
Illustrations & Frontcover to Panait Istrati "CODINE" / Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag |
2016 |
Animated Music Video "FIX" to Danish Hardcore Punkband Guddommelig Galskab |
Illustration, 30 illustrations made to "ADRESSEBOG" by Ulla Koppel / Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag |
Animation Jury at Turku Animation Film Festival Finland |
WINNER of The Why Film Competition "Women and Climate changes" Story told by Helen Mirren "It started with a duck" |
Teacher in Erotic Animation at DIS Gender & Sexuality Studies Program |
Teacher in Animation for children at Børne Universitetet |
Animated Shortfilm "SUIKIDO" - Den flydende Livsenergis vej. |
Illustration Album Cover for Guddommelig Galskab 7" Vinyl |
Animated Musicvideo for Yazz & Al Agami |
Pilot to Animation Series "Monstre" Forlaget Torgard |
Animation short films to TIGER "Flying Tiger Copenhagen" |
Jury at 60sec. 1 minut Short Film Competition CPH |
Selection jury at OFF - Odense International film Festival |
Illustration Album Cover to 2xLP "Sune Køter Kølster & The Rockhistory" |
Illustration Poster to "Rio Festival de Generó & Sexualidade no Cinema" Brazil Film Festival 2016 |
Illustration Poster to "Cineffable - Lesbian Film Festival" Paris France |
Illustration Flyer to "Slaraffenland" Sigurdsgade |
Animation 12 Animated sequences to Website Suikido.com |
Illustration Poster & Flyer to Suikido.com |
Animated Documentary Film Animation director and editor on "Clitorissima" by Gia Balestra |
Illustration 25 Charricature drawings to DR Radio Program "P8 JAZZ" |
2015 |
ANIMATED 1min SHORTFILM "Seriously Deadly Silence" by Sara Koppel, music and sound by Sune "Køter" Kølster |
Pre-selection jury at OFF - Odense International film Festival |
AWARD WINNER"Seriously Deadly Silence" won the THE BEST FILM IN THE CATEGORY OF MICRO FILM at Short Form - International Short Film Festival / 19th of September 2015 / Serbia / |
AWARD WINNER"Seriously Deadly Silence" won the AWARD for 3rd best price at TUFF Toronto Urban Film Festival / 12th -20th September/ Toronto Subway Canada / |
Teaching intensive Animation class at Hareskov Libery |
Teacher in Animation for children at Børne Universitetet |
Panel member at "Tabu #2 - Feministisk Porno" Kvinfo & Teater Grob |
Animation 12 seconds, "Birthday present" to OFF Odense International Film Festival |
Animation 1:30 minute sequence to American Feature-Docu "The Goddess Project" |
Artwork Invitation flyer to night club "Piñata Colada" in CPH |
Illustration P8Jazz Award drawing |
Publishing "Naked Love - Ea's garden" Comic book |
Art Exibition at BLIK |
Art Exibition at Art society of The union for Teachers DK |
Art Exibition at Gallery Boheme |
Artwork Paintet Signs to "Kølsters tolv haner" |
Illustration Painted Signs to "Kølsters tolv haner" |
Artwork 35 Charicatur drawings to DR Radio Program "Do You Love Jazz?" |
Artwork Postcard for SummerJazz 2015 |
Artwork Poster for "Explanation about Food & CO2" |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Media Art Lviv Festival / 21th - 24th of May 2016 / Ukraine / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Tindirindis / 23rd - 29th of November 2015 / Vilnius Lithuania / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Flensburg Short Film Festival / 12th - 16th of November 2015 / Flensburg Germany / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for INTERFILM Berlin/ 10th - 15th of November 2015 / Berlin Germany / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Sandpoint Film Festival / 7th of november 2015 / Idaho USA / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for “22th International Independent Film Festival in the name of Ireneusz Radzio PUBLICYSTYKA 2015” / Kedzierzyn-Kozle Poland / 23rd - 25th of october 2015 / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for KO&DIGITAL / FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE SOLIDARIO / 13th - 16th of October 2015 / Spain / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for GO GREEN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL / 1st -14th of October 2015 / Hungary / |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Feminist and Queer International Film Festival, FAQiff Experimental,
6th - 10th of November 2015, Bucharest, Romania |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for QUEER LOOX Feminist Film Series / 6th of October 2015 / Luxenbourg / |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 25.Oslo / Fusion International Film Festival / 11th - 18th of September 2015 / Oslo Norway / |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 16th Annual FREE Film festival, WOODSTOCK MUSEUM
14th - 17th of September 2015, Woodstock, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Paris Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival
29th of October - 1st of November 2015 Paris France |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for La Otra Banqueta - Festival de Cine por la Diversidad Sexual
1st - 31th of July 2015, Centro Cultural de Espana y la Cupula y Quetzaltenango - Guatemala
http://facebook.com/laotrabanquetagt |
AWARD WINNER "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 60 Seconds or Less Video Festival - Washington College / Chestertown / Maryland / 27th of April / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for The International Children´s ArtFilm-Festival / 29th of November - 5th of october 2015 / Bogotá Columbia / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 5º Festival de Cine Verde de Barichara (FESTIVER) / Barichara Santander Columbia / 16th - 20th of September 2015 / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for I.N.S.A.N.E. Animation Film Festival / 11th-13th of September 2015 / Malmø Sweden
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for CineEco International Film Festival / 10th - 17th of October 2015 / Lisaboa Portugal / http://www.cineecoseia.org/ |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for XVIII International Animated Film Festival «Animaevka – 2015» / 10th - 14th of September / Mogilev Belarus / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for International Environmental Film Festival FICMA / 5th - 12th of September / Barcelona Spain / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for EXPOTOONS International Animation Festival / Minifilms / 3rd - 6th of September / Buenos Aires Argentina / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Jahorina Film Festival / 26th-30th of August 2015 / Bosnien Herzegovina / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Opuzen Film Festival / 17th - 22th of August 2015 / Opuzen Croatia / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Anibar International Animation Festival / 20th - 26th of August 2015 / Kosovo / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Special Program at Nordisk Panorama Festival / 18th - 23th of September 2015 / Malmø, Sweden |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 5th International FRONTALE Filmfestival / 14th - 17th of October 2015 / Wiener Neustadt, Austria |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Cartoon Club / Rimini / Italy / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival / 12th - 18th of October 2015 / Kuala Lumpur Malaysian / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Festival Internacional del Cortometraje / FICESMI / 1st -10th of October 2015 / Argentina / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Short Form - International Short Film Festival / 19th of September 2015 / Serbia / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for TUFF Toronto Urban Film Festival / 12th -20th September/ Toronto Subway Canada / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for SHORTS MÉXICO - Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de México / 3rd - 10th of September 2015 / City of Mexico / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for OFF Odense International Film Festival / 24th - 30th of August 2015 / Odense Denmark |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for OPEN AIR FILMFEST WEITERSTADT / 13th - 17th of August 2015 / Weiterstadt Germany / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Divercine Festival Intionacional de cine Para Ninos y Jovenes / 27th - 31th of July 2015 / Uruguay / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for CineFortFestival / 21th - 25th of July 2015 / San Giorgio la Molara Italy / http://www.cinefort.it/Benvenuto.html |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Festival Mundial de Cine Extremo de Veracruz / 22th - 27th of June 2015 / Mexico / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for KratkofiPlus International Film Festival / 22th-26th of june 2015 / Banjaluka Bosnia |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Good Things/Small Packages - A Night of Micro-Shorts / 17h of June 2015 / Little Rock AR USA / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Porto7 / 10t -14th of june 2015 / Porto, Portugal |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for MISTER VORKY - INTERNATIONAL Festival of ONE minut fillm / 5th - 7th of june 2015 / Ruma Serbia / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Kino OTOK Isola Cinema / Video on the beach / 3rd - 7th of june 2015 / Ljubljana Slovenia / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for A Long Week of Short Films / 22th - 31th of May 2015 / Shanghai China / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for NAFF Neum Animated Film Festival / 27th of June - 3rd of July 2015 / Bosnia - Herzegovinian / http://naff.ba/ |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" have been chosen as the festival vignete on Tracce / ITALY / http://www.traccecinematografichefilmfest.it/ 25-28 Juni 2015 |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for IKFF Hamburg MO&Frise Children Short Film festival / Hamburg / 7th-14th of june 2015 / |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival / 3rd-10th of June 2015 / Yerevan Armenia / http://accea.info/en/one-shot / |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for The Lesbian Film Festival of Freiburg, 3rd - 7th of June 2015, Freiburg Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for BERLIN FESTIVAL, 29th - 31th of May 2015, Arena Park Berlin Germany |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for VIVA Film Festival / Ekologia / 28th -31th of May 2015 / Sarajevo Bosnia Herzegovina / http://www.vivaba.com |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for Lviv International Short Film Festival Wiz-Art, 21th - 24th of May 2015, Lviv Ukraine |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for XPOSED International Queer Film Festival BERLIN, 21st-24th of May 2015, Berlin Germany |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for NonStop Barcelona Animacio / 20th - 24th of Maj 2015 / Barcelona Spain / http://nonstopbarcelona.com/ / |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Animagoria - "Cult Night", 5th -11th of May 2015, Stuttgart Germany |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 11th One Minut Film & Video Festival Aarau Switzerland / 8th - 10th of May 2015 / http://www.oneminute.ch/ / |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for Torino Gay & Lesbian Film Festival,
29th of April - 4th of May 2015, Torino - Italy
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 60 Seconds or Less Video Festival - Washington College / Chestertown / Maryland / 27th of April /
Awarded with the Best of show 3rd Place Award |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for III Festival Internacional de Cine de la Naturaleza y el Hombre de La Laguna (Naturman) / 20th - 26th of April 2015 / http://www.naturman.com/ |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for TakeTwo Film Festival / www.taketwofilmfestival.com / New York USA / 10th-12th of April 2015 / |
NOMINATION "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 60sec.org / Selected for the Audience Award / Copenhagen Denmark / http://www.60sec.org / March 23rd-28th march |
NOMINATION "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for 60sec.org / Selected for the Jury Award / Copenhagen Denmark / www.60sec.org / March 23rd-28th march |
AWARD NOMINATION "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is nominated for BEST ANIMATION in a short & BEST MUSIC in a short on Festival International du Film d'Aubagne, 16th - 21st of Marts 2015, Aubagne - France |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival International du Film d'Aubagne, 16th - 21st of Marts 2015, Aubagne - France |
FESTIVAL "Seriously Deadly Silence" is officially selected for Miniature Film Festival / Vancouver CANADA / 18th of March 2015 |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Sphinx Film Festivel, 22th - 25th of Januar 2015, Gent - Belgium |
2014 |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for OMOVIES - Gay & Questioning Film Festival
9th - 13th of December 2014, Campania - Italy |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival de Cortos de Bogota' , BOGOSHORTS, 2nd - 9th of December 2014, Bogota - Columbia |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for Festival de Cine Enfocar,
28th - 30th of October 2014, Columbia |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Pink Screens Film Festival
6th-15th of November 2014
Cinema Nova - Brussel Belgium
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for MIX NYC
11th - 16th of Nowember 2014
New York City USA
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for VOX Feminae Festival
Zagreb - Croatia
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Munich Underground Film Festival
Munich Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for SIde by SIde - LGBT International Film Festival
Saint Petersburg - Russia
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival Internacional de Experimentacion Cinetoro
7th -13th of October 2014
Cali Columbia
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 55th dition of BRNO16 International Film Festival
15th - 18th of October 2014
Kina Art BRNO
Czech Republic
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Dansk Animation NU
28th of October kl.19.15
Copenhagen, Denmark
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Instants Video 27th
7th - 11th of november 2014
Friche la Belle de Mai Marseille, France
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for MIX Copenhagen
3th - 12th of October 2014
Copenhagen Denmark |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Anim'est International Animation Film Festival
Creepy Night
3th-12th of october 2014
Bucurest - Romania |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Viborg Animation Festival
3th - 5th of october 2014
Viborg, Denmark
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for FESTDIVQ
Festival Venezolano de Cine de la Diversidad
1st -5th of October 2014
Venezuela |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Mujeres en Foco
Festival International de Cine por la Equidad de Genero
22th - 27th of September 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Grand Rapid Feminist Film Fest
21th of September 2014
Grand Rapids Michigan - Presented by Bandit Zine
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for VIDEOFEST2K14, Bienale Internacional de Video y cine Contemporary, 3rd-14th of November 2014, Baja California, Mexico |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for, Curtocircuito International Short Film Festival - Naughty night, 6th -11th of October 2014, Teatro Principal
Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for "Everybody's Perfect", Festival de Cinema LGBTIQA, 19th - 28th of September 2014, Cinemas du Grutli, Geneve - Switzerland |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival Pride Azores
Thursday 28th - 30th of August 2014
Ponta Delgada - Sao Miguel - Azores |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for The 7th edition of Festival d'Animation de Paris
10th - 14th of September 2014, Théâtre de Ménilmontant & Pavillon Carré de Baudouin, Paris - France |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for CORTOSPLASH, 6th - 8th of August 2014, Beach of Rontondella - Italy |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel won the AUDIENCE AWARD of Azores Fringe Festival, 1st - 30th of June 2014, Azores, Portugal |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Sydney Underground Film Festival
4th - 7th of September 2014
Sydney - Australia |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for MIX Copenhagen
3th - 12th of October 2014
Copenhagen Denmark |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for
International Animated Film Festival for Children & Youth
8th - 9th of October 2014
City of Nis - Serbia |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for 4th Festival Internatcional CARTÒN de Cortos de Animacion la Tribu
19th - 25th of August 2014
Buenos Aires - Argentina |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for Copenhagen Queer Film Festival
15th of August 2014
Copenhagen Denmark |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"is officially selected for
Fuencaliente - Rural Fuilmfest
5th - 9th of August 2014,
Fuencaliente - Ciudad Real, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Vancouver Queer Film Festival
14th - 24th of August 2014, Vancouver - Canada |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Porto7 -
Festival Internacional de Curtas-metrgens do Porto,
18th - 22th of June 2014, Porto - Portugal |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Azores Fringe Festival
SHORTS@FRINGE, 17th june, Pico, 21th june, Sao Miguel
Azores, Portugal, In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" won BEST SHORT ANIMATION FILM AWARD, LIBERCINE - Diversidad Sexual y Genero, International Film Festival of Sexual & Gender Diversity, 15th - 21th of May 2014, Spece INCAA ArteCinema, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" won an HONOURBLE MENTION AWARD, NonStop Barcelona Animacio', 12th - 18th of May 2014, Barcelona Spain |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" won SPECIEL MENTION AWARD, Tracce Cinematografiche Film Fest, 22th - 25th of May 2014, Tracce - Italy |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for Festival de Cinema de Giron, 16th - 19th of July 2014, Toy Museum Catalonia - 1st Peter Street Ramblas, Barcelone Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for Kratkofil Plus, 23th - 27th of Juli, Banjaluka - Bosnia and Herzegovina |
FESTIVAL "Memories Of An Absent Presence" by Sara Koppel have been selected for Avarts - 8th Festival of Audiovisuel - Festival Miden, 14th - 18th of May 2014, Corfu Greece |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected at Odense International Filmfestival, 25th-31st of August, Odense, Denmark |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is being screened at Michigan Womyn's Music Festival & Film Program,
5th - 10th of August 2014,
Michigan USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for Female Eye Film Festival
17th -22th of June 2014, Toronto, Canada |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Anima Mundi
25th July 3rd of August, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
6th - 10th of August, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is being screened at La Freak Through the Looking Glas, 14th of May 2014, London UK |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Forbidden Film Fest,
7th - 9th of May 2014, Austin, Texas, USA |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" won The Jurys Special Mention at Festival de la Imatge de Calella, 5th - 27th of April 2014, Fábrica Llobet Guri, Calella, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for NonStop Barcelona Animacio' , 12th - 18th of May 2014, Barcelona Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for Queer City Cinema, 15th - 17th of May 2014, Saskatchewan, Canada |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for Film Leben Festival, 22th -25th of May 2014, Ilmenau, Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for
FICAIJ - Festival Internacional de Cine y Audiovisuel Infantil y Juveil,
25th - 31th of May 2014, Caracas Venezuela |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" won The MANNY AWARD for OUTSTANDING ANIMATION at TAKE TWO Film Festival, April 8th-9th of April 2014, New York City USA |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" won the AWARD of EXELLENCE on Canada International Film Festival, 28th - 29th of March 2014, Vancouver, Canada |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for Out Film CT LBGT, 3rd of June 2014, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for FILMOUT San Diego, 30th may- 1st of June 2014, North Park Theatre, San Diego, California USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Experimental Film Festival EFFPortland, 28th may - 1st of june 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Tracce Cinematografiche Film Fest, 22th - 25th of May 2014, Tracce, Italy |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for LIBERCINE - Diversidad Sexual y Genero, International Film Festival of Sexual & Gender Diversity, 15th - 21th of May 2014, Spece INCAA ArteCinema, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Malta Animation Festival, 9th - 11th of May + 1st of June 2014, Malta |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival, 8th - 15th May 2014, Ankara, Turkey |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Cine Curtas Bodega Cultural at International Festival of Darwin, 9th of April 2014, Florianopolis, Brazil |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Davis Feminist Film Festival, 10th- 11th of April 2014, Davis, California, USA |
Animation for short feature "We got lost on the other side of wilderness" |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for London Lesbian Film Festival Canada, 25th - 27th of April 2014, London, Ontario, Canada |
Animationfilm for Tiger Danish store |
Poster for DJ Noize new up-coming band |
CardBordGame Design "Woof" - BoardGame ApS |
AWARD NOMINATION "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is nominated for The GOOD FOR HER FEMINIST PORN AWARD 2014, 2th-5th of April 2014, Toronto, Canada |
AWARD NOMINATION "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is nominated for The Manny Award for Best Animation at TAKE TWO Film Festival, April 8th-9th of April 2014, New York City USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel is officially selected for
Wellington Underground Film fest,
15th - 17th of May 2014,
NZ Film Archive
Wellington, New Zealand |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is screened at Muestra de Cinema de Mujeres de Huesca, Cortos de Femenino 2014, 17th - 23rd of march, Huesca, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for San Francisco International Film Festival, 24th of April - 8th of May 2014, San Francisco USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for FestImatge - Festival de la Imatge de Calella, 5th - 27th of April 2014, Fábrica Llobet Guri, Calella, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for, 16th Annual Boston Underground Film Festival, 26th-30th of March 2014, Cambridge, Boston, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is screened at Filmfest Dresden - Special Program Guest Centre, 15th - 20th of April 2014, Dresden Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for, 10# La Pedrera Short Film Festival, 6th-8th March 2014, La Pedrera - Spain |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel AWARD for Best Animated Shortfilm, WOMENS MEDIA ART AND FILM FESTIVAL, Sydney, Australia |
AWARD NOMINATION "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel Queens World Film Festival, NYC, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for Baltimore's QUEER Film & Media Festival
10th-15th of june 2014, Baltimore, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for TAOS SHORT, 20th-23th of March 2014
Taos, New Mexico, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival Mundial de Cine Extremo, 20th -24of of Januar
San Sebastian de Veracruz, Mexico |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE KINO ICH
13th-17th of November 2013, Tabasco, Mexico |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Love Actually Film Festival, 14th of Februar Valentinesday 2014, New York City, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for MAUVAIS GENRE Du Festival International de Cinema Tours, 16th -21th of April 2014, Tours, France |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Roze Filmdagen, 17th Amsterdam Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, 13th-23th of March 2014, Amsterdam, Holland |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for FICIL BIO BIO, Fetival International de Cine de Lebu
15th-21th of Februar - Lebu Conception / Arauco Canete CHILE
28th february-1st of march - Casa Delarte Diego Rivera / Puerto Montt, Chile
27th-29th of March - Centro Cultural Estacion Mapocho / Santiago CHILE |
"Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel
is officially selected for ANIMAC LEIDA,
20th - 23rd of Februar, Catalunya, SPAIN |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is screened with "NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", "Naked Love Appetizer" and "Love Sucks", all by Sara Koppel and music by Sune Køter Kølster, DIV.A Diversidade em Animacao -
13th -23rd of Februar 2014, Rio de Janerio, BRAZIL |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"by Sara Koppel is officially selected for Independent 14 Days FilmFest, 9th-13th of April 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINECORTOS DE MERCEDES BUENOS AIRES, 23th of November 2103
Buenos Aires, Agentina |
 e |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for FINCORTEX, Internacional de Cortometrajes Experimentales, Tunja, Boyaca, Columbia |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for VIBGYOR International Short & Documentary Film Festival, 11th-16th of Februar 2014, Thrissur Kerala, INDIA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for COPENHAGEN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL,
19th-23rd of Februar 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 4th Annual Queens World Film Festival,
4th-8th of March, New York, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 16th Festival MECAL BCN Selection, Golden shower Program, 5th-30th of March 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
2013 |
AWARD WINNER "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
Women's Independent Film Festival
Santa Monica - USA
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival de Cine LGBT el
Lugar sin Limites
21nov - 1dec, Quito, Ecuador |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Fenaco PERU
14 november 2014, Lambayeque, Peru |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for IX Muestra De Cortometrajes "San Rafael En Corto"
16th-22th of November 2013, Gran Canaria - Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Women's Independent Film Festival,
14th-16th of December 2013, The Promenade Playhouse Theater, Santa Monica - USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Filmmor International Womens Film Festival on Wheels
March 2014, ISTANBUL, Turkey |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for The Animation Award at the, 15th LANDSHUT SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, 26th-31th of March 2014, Munich, Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 2014 SPE Society for Photographic Education - Womens Film Festival, 6th-9th of March 2014, Baltimore MD USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Desporado Film Festival - LBGT, 18th-26th of January
Phoenix, Arizona, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Good Vibrations Quickies Film Festival,
6th of december 2013, San Francisco, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for LIBELULA ANIMATION FEST, 15th november 2013
Barcelona, SPAIN |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is going to be screened at Cinema Club, November 10th, 2013, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for WOMEN Media Arts and Film Festival, 21th-29th of December 2013, Sydney, Australia |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Ko&Digital Festival de Cine Solidario, 4th of November - 14th of December 2013, Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for MUESTRA INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOMETRAJES VIDEO/JUJUY/CORTOS , October 14th, 2013, Jujuy, Argentina |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Golden Orchid International Animation Festival
1st-3rd of November, PennsylvaniaState University, USA |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Cine-Rebis Film Festival
14th-17th of November London, UK, end of november, Porto, Portugal |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is going to be screened at the CINEKINK TOUR AUSTRALIA
2013, Melbourne - October 14th Lismore - October 28th |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is going to be screened at CINEKINK at PORN FILM FESTIVAL BERLIN, October 27th, Berlin, Germany |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Simultan 2013, Popular Un-Known, 10th-12th of October, Timisoara, Romania |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Festival de Animacion , FIDA Chile, 23th-25th of October, Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for FICT Festival Internacional Cinematografico de Toluca, 11th-18th of October, Toluca, Mexico |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for ArtVerona Contemporary Art Fair- Cuntemporary,
10th - 14th of October, Verona Italy |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Atlanta Underground Film Festival
Program Animation Attack, 16th- 20 th of October 2013, Atlanta, USA |
Animated shortfilm "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
by Sara Koppel,
Symphonic score: Sune Køter Kølster |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Fredrikstad Animation Festival, 7th - 10th of November 2013, Frederikstad, Norway |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness"
is officially selected for Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival (MWIFF), 8th-14th of October 2013, Mumbai, India |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 6th Northern Wave Int. Film Festival
15th-17th 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for Shnit International Shortfilmfestival
2rd to 6th of October 2013, Bern, Schweiz |
FESTIVAL "Little Vulvah & Her Clitoral Awareness" is officially selected for 10th edition of European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA, 1st - 5th of October 2013, Beograd, Serbia |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" by Sara Koppel is officially selected for WFAFilm2013, 9th World Festival of Animated Film - VARNA
11th-15th of September 2013, Varna, Bulgaria |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" by Sara Koppel
is officially selected for Linolium Film Festival 2013,
July 26th to September 8th, Moscow, Russia |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for 26th Helsinki International Film Festival, "Love & Anarchy", 19-29 September 2013, Helsinki, Finland |
FESTIVAL "Memories Of An Absent Presence" have been selected for Festival Miden, 5th of July, Historic Center of Kalamata, Greece |
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" by Sara Koppel
DIVERSIDADE EM ANIMAÇÃO, Rio De Janeiro - Brasil |
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
"Honorable Mention",
Love Unlimited Film Festival & Art Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA |
Artwork to Bottega della Pasta - Torvehallerne 1 Denmark |
Animation, 3 Short animationfilms for Slagelse Boligcenter. |
Exibition, "Flora Vagina" - An erotic art project, paitings on ceramics, by Sara Koppel on Galleri Wolfsen, Ålborg |
Animation, 3 pieces for "KunstClash" at Det Kongelige Teaters Skuespilscene - Februar |
Animation, "Memories of an absent presence" an art project by Sara Koppel |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" have been screened at "Øst for Paradis - A NIGHT IN PARADISE" , 28th of May 2013, Aarhus, Denmark |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for Kino Otok9 Isola Cinema, 3rd - 9th of June 2013, Isola, Slovenia |
is officially selected for CINEKINK TOUR 2013, PDX, Las Vegas, LA, Chigago, Washington DC |
is officially selected for 11th Annual Female Eye FilmFestival,
19th - 23rd of June 2013, Toronto, Canada |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for FILMETS Badalona Film Festival 2013, November 8th-17th Badalona, Barcelona, Spain |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for San Gio´ Verona International Video Festival, 23rd–27th July 2013 Verona, Italy |
31th of May - 9th of June 2013, Detmold - Germany |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for DIV.A, DIVERSIDADE EM ANIMAÇÃO - Diversity in Animation, 18th - 28th April 2013, Rio De Janeiro - Brasil |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for The Melbourne International Animation Festival, Officiel selected in competition for Late night Program, 20th to 30th June 2013, Melbourne, Australia |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for EFFPortland 2013, 20th to 27th of May, 2013, Experimental Film Festival Portland |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is Invited for "Best of Scandinavia Short Film" in Wiz-Art EARTH SHAKING FILM ONLY, 25th April 2013, Lviv Art Palace - UKRAINE |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for 15th Mecal International Short Film and Animation Festival of Barcelona, 4th to 28th April of 2013, Barcelona, Spain |
is officially selected for Love Unlimited Film Festival & Art Exhibition,
the Fifth Annual International Event,
13th - 14th of April, Los Angeles, USA |
is officially selected for The Citrus Cel Animation Film Festival, April 4th - 6th 2013, The Florida Theater, Jacksonville, Florida USA |
is officially selected for The 2013 Portland Oregon Women's Film Festival (POWFest), March 7 – 10th, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA |
is officially selected for The 8th Annual Vancouver International Women in Film Festival, March 7 – 10th, 2013, Vancouver, Canada |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" by Sara Koppel
is officially selected for Animac Lleida, Mostra Internacional de Cinema d'Animació de Catalunya, February 28th - March 3rd, 2013, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain |
is officially selected for Cinekink, The Kinky Film Festival, February 26-March 3, 2013, NEW YORK CITY, USA |
is officially selected for Copenhagen Short Film Festival, February 21st - 24th, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is shown at the Lust & Fantasi Festival in cinema Øst for Paradis
Friday 1st of February 2013
Århus, Denmark |
2012 |
Animation 6 sequences for "LULU - Painless" a film by Jessica Nilsson |
Animation, "Dig og Mig - For Enden Af November", musicvideo for Tor Fruergård. |
Storyboard on "Little Vulvah & her clitoral awareness" |
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
Nevada Film Festival, Las Vegas, USA |
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
Odense International Film Festival
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
Los Angeles Art-house Film Festival |
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
14th Annual Artfest Film Festival, Harrisburg, USA |
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden":
"Honorable Mention"
Los Angeles New Wave International Film Festival
"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden"
"Award of Excellence"
Best Shorts Competition 2012 |
AWARD NOMINATION "NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is nominated for "BEST FOREIGN SHORT" Award on ANIMAZSPOT 2012 FESTIVAL, 10th - 16th of SEPTEMBER 2012, Burbank, California, USA |
AWARD NOMINATION "NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is nominated for "The Adult Theme Award on ANIMAZSPOT 2012 FESTIVAL, 10th - 16th of SEPTEMBER 2012, Burbank, California, USA |
AWARD NOMINATION "NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is nominated for the GOOD FOR HER filmfestival - feminist porn award 2012, Toronto Canada |
is nominated for
the PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD for the best music in a short film,
SoundTrack_Cologne 9.0, 15th - 18th of November , Cologne Germany |
AWARD NOMINATION “Walking between each other and it self”, is nominated for BEST ANIMATION at the Female Eye Film Festival, Toronto, Canada |
WALL PAINTING, for danish Jazzmusician M. Blicher |
ARTWORK for Poster, T-shirts and Merchandice to "Valby Summer Jazz 2012" |
is officially selected for LIGHT ASSEMBLY MIAMI,
6th - 9th of DECEMBER 2012, Miami, USA |
is officially selected for NEVADA FILM FESTIVAL
30th November - 1st December, Las Vegas, USA |
is officially selected for SOUNDTRACK COLOGNE 9.0,
15th - 18th of November 2012, Cologne, Germany |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" is officially selected for ZERO FILM FESTIVAL, 10th of NOVEMBER 2012
Brooklyn, New York, USA |
is officially selected for TAKE TWO FILM FESTIVAL, November 2nd - 4th 2012, New York City, USA |
is officially selected for FLIP ANIMATION FESTIVAL 2012, 1st - 3rd NOVEMBER 2012, Wolverhampton, UK |
is officially selected for CUTOUT FEST FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE ANIMACION, 1st - 3rd of November 2012, Querétaro, Mexico |
is officially selected for VIBORG ANIMATIONS FESTIVAL,
30th of OCTOBER - 4th of NOVEMBER 2012, Viborg, Denmark |
is officially selected for ANIMEST INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL, 5th - 15th of October 2012, Bucharest, Romania |
is officially selected for 10th INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL TINDIRINDIS 2012, 22nd - 28th of October 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania |
is officially selected for XV International Short Film Festival La Boca Del Lobo, 17th - 27th of NOVEMBER 2012, Madrid, Spain |
is shown at the SHNIT INTERNATIONAL SHORTFILM FESTIVAL, 3rd - 7th of OCTOBER 2012, Bern, Switzerland |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is shown at
BEST OF Seattle Erotic Art Festival, THE PICKFORD FILM CENTER, 4th - 6th of October 2012, Bellingham, Washington, USA |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is shown at
2nd - 6th of October 2012, Beograd, Serbia |
is officially selected for EROTIKOS FILM FESTIVAL, 15th - 22nd of SEPTEMBER 2012, Negril, Jamaica |
is officially selected for ANIMAZSPOT 2012 FESTIVAL, 10th - 16th of SEPTEMBER 2012, Burbank, California, USA |
is officially selected for BORNSHORTS FILM FESTIVAL, 13th - 15th of SEPTEMBER 2012, Gudhjem, Bornholm, Denmark |
is officially selected for ATLANTA UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL
13th - 16th of SEPTEMBER 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", LA MIRADA TABÚ, Festival DeZine Sala López 2012, 6th - 16th SEPTEMBER 2012, Zaragoza, Spain |
is officially selected for SIDNEY UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL #6 6th - 9th of SEPTEMBER 2012 in Sydney, Australia |
is officially selected for ODENSE INTERNATIONAL FILMFESTIVAL 20 - 25th of AUGUST 2012 in Odense, Denmark |
is officially selected for Minneapolis Underground Film Festival, August 17th - 19th, 2012, Minneapolis, USA
15 - 19th of August in VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON, USA |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is officially selected for
August 3rd-10th 2012, Toluca, Mexico |
is officially selected for GUANAJUATO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, July 20th - 25th, 2012, Guanajuato Capital, Mexico |
is officially selected for The 6th International Film Festival Kratkofil, July 18-22th 2012, Banjaluka, Bosnia & Herzegovina |
is officially selected for "ANIMA MUNDI 2012",
July 13th-22th, Rio de Janeiro / July 25th-29th, Sao Paolo, Brazil |
is officially selected for Film Leben Festival 2012, July 5th - 8th 2012, Ilmenau, Germany |
is officially selected for FESTIVAL ART DECO DE CINEMA, July 2nd - 21st, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is officially selected for "Festival of the Erotic Arts" 22nd - 24th June 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is officially selected for The 10th annual Seattle Erotic Art Festival, June 16-24, 2012, Seattle, USA |
FESTIVAL"NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden", is officially selected for Art-house Film Festival, June 16th, 2012 in Los Angeles, USA |
is officially selected for OPORTO 7 INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, June 13th-17th, 2012, Porto, Portugal |
is officially selected for "14th Annual ARTSFEST FILM FESTIVAL" in 25 - 28 MAJ 2012, Harrisburg, Pensylvainia, USA |
is officially selected for ANIMAYO 2012, 9 - 12th of May 2012, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain |
FESTIVAL "Naked Love Appetizer" officially selected for "One Minute Film & Video Festival", August 16th - 19th, Aarau, Switzerland |
FESTIVAL "Naked Love Appetizer" officially selected for Linoleum animation festival, Russia |
FESTIVAL "Naked Love Appetizer" officially selected for DIV.A Diversity in Animation - Fourth Edition - Brazil |
FESTIVAL “Walking between each other and it self”,
is officially selected for "International Short Film Festival Detmold",
Detmold, Germany |
FESTIVAL “Walking between each other and it self” officially selected for Female Eye Film Festival, Toronto, Canada |
Animated shortfilm "NAKED LOVE - Ea's Garden" by Sara Koppel, music: Sune Køter |
Animated short "Naked Love Appetizer" 2011 by Sara Koppel, music: Sune Køter |
2011 |
Wall painting in Dancehall – Gadelandet Coenhagen |
Animated shortfilm "Copenhagen X" for Dansk Arkitektur Center "CopenhagenX" christmas calender 2011 by Sara Koppel, music: Sune Køter |
Designs for Informationfilm "Energi solutions" |
Wall painting 10 X 5 meters in Sports hall - Korsgade Copenhagen |
Animated short film 50 second for competition MIX CPH 2011 “To be” |
FESTIVAL “Walking between each other and it self” selected for Linoleum animation festival, Russia |
FESTIVAL “Walking between each other and it self” selected for Festival Les Instants Vidéo, France |
FESTIVAL “Walking between each other and it self” selected for Odense Film Festival Official competition program. |
FESTIVAL “Walking between each other and it self” selected for ATHENS VIDEO ART FESTIVAL 2011 |
Design “Elbil” for Ocean Dive |
Animated 2 minutes Pilot on my Erotic animation short “Naked Love”, music: Sune Køter |
34 new paintings “Moving Women” for international conference presents |
Design & recording ”Car in development” for Bernfilm ApS |
Animationtest for Magic Hour Film |
Creation and production of homepage http://nakedlovefilm.com with Sune Køter |
Illustrations to book “Ud af Musikken” by B.K & K.T |
Animation + stop motion for Orbit studio on Zendium Syreforsvar commercial. |
Artwork to CD-cover for danish jazzband Radiostar |
Animated short “Walking between each other and it self” by Sara
Koppel, music: Sune Køter |
Animated 2-D musicvideo for Moonjam |
Artwork to CD-cover for danish popband Moonjam |
2010 |
40 Drawings of “Gymnastic exercises” for game development Peter Beim. |
Exibition in Galleri 2B, Helsingør of "Countless Lovemaking" 122/244cm painting |
Erotic Art Exibition at Galerie Eros, "Countless Lovemaking", 25 new paintings, october 21st - november 13th |
Animation + stop motion for Orbit studio on Zendium Sensitive commercial. |
Exibition of mini-version of "Moving Women", KPH |
Rough Animation on intro on Christiania-Dummy by Kasper Torsting, music: Sune Køter |
Exibition of mini-version of "Moving Women", Kikkassen Galleri CMYK-Kld |
Animation + stop motion for Orbit studio on Zendium classic commercial. |
Art Exibition Helligåndshuset, 24 paintings |
Storyboard & Animatic to "Make Love" (formerly "Elskov"), a 13 minuttes erotic animationfilm by Sara Koppel and Sune Køter |
Festival Fest Anca july30th-august1st in Bratislava shows Meltdown, Love Sucks and Hot Package. |
Drawings for modelbook for "Olsen Banden" by A-film |
Designs for 25 min.Animationfilm by Ziska Szemes |
35 sec. Animatic + Animation & Color for “Rarebird Production” on Magtens Korridorer – Strikkeklub på alufælge |
Art Exibition Martin Asbæk Gallery, "Moving Women", Animation installations on 5 x 42" screens, 5 big acryllpaintings and 26 smaller tuschdrawings, march 12th - april 10th |
Drawing of politician Mette Frederiksen to 100 years anniversery for International Womens Day march 8th. |
Cleanup on 2D animation for A-film |
Animation + coloring for Orbitstudio on "Den Grønne Slagter" |
Animation + coloring for Orbitstudio on spot "Oscar" |
Animation, "Another Hero In Denmark Inc. - No Brain", Installation by Sara Koppel |
Animation, "Another Accesory to Denmark Inc. - Human Cage", Installation by Sara Koppel |
Manuscript for "Elskov", erotic animationfilm by Sara Koppel and Sune Køter |
2009 |
Illustration, "Elsparefonden", bookcover + poster |
Animation test on Live-action “El-bilen” Klima2009 |
Art Exibition Helligåndshuset “Punk n’Roll 666 Frames” Animation & stills |
Animation “LoveSucks” erotic shortfilm By Sara Koppel |
Animation “ Utopia” animated logo for Melting Love Records |
Animation "Meltdown" Erotic Short by Sara Koppel |
Creator of MELTING LOVE RECORDS with Sune Køter |
Animation “ Punk'n Roll 666 Frames“ Shortfilm by Sara Koppel |
Animation “IRAK” Shortfilm By Sara Koppel |
Animation “Trut & Tulle” Pilot for Snobar & Hausner Film |
Art Exibition on "Det Poetiske Bureau" |
Animation “Roskilde Festival Against Drugs” Short By KuntzKoppel |
Animation for Theater ”The Border Breaking Bunch” By Ulla Koppel |
Art Exibition “Love Run” Gallery Rumkammerat |
Art Exibition PlayAlong |
2008 |
Animation ”A Happy NewYear ?!!! ” Short By Sara Koppel |
Art Exibition, "PlayAlong", Gallery Rumkammerat + FIEN |
Animation ” DisobedientRace” Shortfilm By Sara Koppel |
Animation 12 minutes for ”Jesper & Mig” 40 min. By Ulrik Crone |
Animation ”DeathTown” Musicfilm by Sara Koppel, |
Animation Tv-serien ”Frog & Friends” + 5 Shorts for TrygVesta |
Animation A lot of commercials |
Animation ”Tunnel” Trailer by Sara Koppel |
Animation “Included – Excluded” Short By Sara Koppel |
2007 |
Art Exibition, Helligåndshuset Kbh |
Art Exibition, Gallery Bastillen |
Art Exibition, Gallery Luddeshus |
Manuscript for ” Pencildate” Short by Sara Koppel |
Musicvideos for ”Beatman & Rockin” & Danmarks smukkeste festival |
TV-spots |
Animation “ Traktor” Short By Sara Koppel |
2006 |
Art Exibition, Helligåndshuset Kbh |
A lot of illustrations & Commercials |
2005 |
Art Exibition, Lyngby Rådhus |
Animation, ” A hot package” Erotic Short By Sara Koppel |
Art Exibition, Gallery Anne Julie |
Animation, Teaser for ”CowbellMusic” |
Animation, Musicvideo for ”Blindfault” |
Manuscript for ”Viola & Flora” Short by Sara Koppel |
2004 |
Animation, ”Volvo Vicky og vovse” Shortfilm By Andreas Bødker |
Animation, ”Sarah” Shortfilm By Karla Nielsen |
Animation, ”Peddersen & Findus – Nissemaskinen” Featurefilm A. Film |
Animation, Teaser for CowBellMusic Records |
Animation, Musicfilm N.E.R.D |
Art Exibition, Gallery Anne Julie |
Art Exibition, Gallery Ravn |
2003 |
Art Exibition, Gallery Ravn |
Animation, ”Asterix & the Vikings” Featurefilm A. Film |
2002 |
Animation, ”Jester Till” Featurefilm Munich Animation |
2001 |
Animation, ”8 Crazy nights” Featurefilm Sony
+ ”Revolutionen” Short by Kasper Kruse |
1998-00 |
Animation, A lot of Shorts
+ musicvideos for A.Film |
1997 |
Animation, ” Run of the mill” By Børge Ring |
1996 |
Animation, “Help i am a fish” Featurefilm A. Film |
1995 |
Animation, ”Jungle Jack 2” Featurefilm A. Film
+ ”All dogs go to heaven” Featurefilm Fox |
1994 |
Animation, ”Aberne & det hemmelige våben” Featurefilm Danske tegnefilm |
1993 |
Animation, ”Asterix in America” Featurefilm Gerhard Hahn |
1991-92 |
Animation, ”Jungle Jack” Featurefilm A. Film |
1989-90 |
Animation, ”Fuglekrigen” Featurefilm Dansktegnefilm + Musicvideo for Larsen & Von Trier |
1987-88 |
Animation, A lot of shorts for Dansk tegnefilm |
1986 |
Animation, ”Strit & Stumme” Featurefilm Dansk tegnefilm |
1985 |
Animation, ”Valhalla” Featurefilm Swan Production |
1984 |
Animation, ”Eventyret om den vidunderlige kartoffel” 26 min. Tegnedrengene |